Friday, June 21, 2013

Studio 6 extended stay hotel a month away; Ramada delayed. Rome's Gretchen Corbin to lead state Community Affairs office. Latest dining updates. High of 86 on year's longest day. Weekend guide.

For these updates and Friday's latest news and weather updates, please see

Studio 6' extended stay hotel a month away; fire at former Skytop delays Ramada's rebirth.



-Rome's Gretchen Corbin named Community Affairs commissioner.

-Storm-stricken NorthSide Bank's grand reopening today.



-Thursday's Public Health restaurant inspection scores.

-Jamwich's opening on Broad four weeks away.

-Menu update for new steakhouse. 


Weekend checklist:

-Critical Mass, volleyball tournament, Lindale clean-up, South Rome community party, Rome Braves baseball.


The 'brightest day'

-We should have the most sunlight of any day this year thanks to the official start of summer.

-Weekend weather: Some clouds, 20% rain chance as temperatures hit upper 80s.


Latest county Jail reports. 

Hometown Headlines Radio Edition

7-9 a.m. weekdays. Listen live online

-Please join our guests Friday including:

-Jeff Lewis, the District 11 representative on the state Transportation Board, on what's next for the 411 Connector.

-Hometown Headlines/WRGA News Roundtable: News Director Kevin Karel, Andrew Carter and perhaps Nelle Reagan join us from 8:10 untli 9 a.m. to put the headlines from the past seven days into perspective.
Hometown Sports
-Rally falls short as Charleston beats Rome, 4-2.
-Braves home tonight at 7 vs. Charleston.
-See Mills Fitzner's latest home game photos Click

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