Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Holiday grocery shopping takes off -- and wait until next year's changes. Parade grand marshal to be named this morning. Latest news from area colleges. Pristine holiday weather forecast.

For these and today's latest headlines, please see www.hometownheadlines.com:

Holiday grocery shopping changes; just wait until next year: Two new players on the way to Greater Rome.


Meeting the 2012 Christmas Parade grand marshal -- at 8:45 a.m. (and join the grand marshal on radio at 9:35 a.m. onWRGA 1470 AM on an extended edition of Hometown Headlines Radio Edition)


Georgia Highlands-Berry ease student transfers from  GHC to Berry.

-Entire class of GNTC nursing students passes key exam.


-Tuesday: Partly sunny, high of 66, low of 38.
-Wednesday: Sunny, high of 67, low of 36.
-Thanksgiving: Sunny, high of 69, low of 40.


Monday's Public Health restaurant scores.


Floyd County Jail reports.


John McClellan's high school playoff predictions.


Hometown Headlines Radio Edition, WRGA 1470 AM, 7-9 a.m. weekdays. Listen live online

-Please join our guests Tuesday as we fill in for Nelle Reagan, broadcasting from 7 until 10 this morning:
-Laura Musselwhite, Georgia Highlands College's vice president for Academic and Student Affairs, on the new GHC-Berry student transfer program.
-John McClellan on this week's high school football playoffs.
-Brian McClellan, Gordon County's IT direction, on tech Christmas gifts.
-Allison Mitchell Trask and Bill Davies on the Davies Homeless Shelter.
-Plus: The grand marshal of the Nov. 27 downtown Rome Christmas Parade.

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