Friday, November 30, 2012

Garden Lakes fifth-grader places in state competition


(Media Release) Kobe McLendon, a fifth-grade student at Garden Lakes Elementary, has won third place in Division II (grades 3-5) of the 2012 Georgia School Bus Safety Poster Contest. This year's theme for the art contest was "Stand Back from the Yellow and Black".  The School Bus Safety Poster Contest is sponsored by the Georgia Association for Pupil Transportation (GAPT). and supported by the Georgia Department of Education.  The contest helps students learn about school bus safety.  McLendon earlier placed first in Division II in the Floyd County competition.

Contestants used this year's theme to illustrate on poster board demonstrating only proper school bus safety behaviors. At least a part of a yellow school bus had to be present on the poster. Students, grades K-8, enrolled in a Georgia public school were eligible to enter this contest.  Posters were judged by a committee from the Georgia Department of Education comprised of prominent individuals in the fields of elementary education, safety and art.    

McLendon's art teacher at Garden Lakes Elementary is Amy Sprewell-Gossett. He received a check for $50 from the Georgia Association for Pupil Transportation for placing third in the state-wide contest.  


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