Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Stephen Carswell named sheriff's Employee of the Quarter


Media release: Stephen Carswell was named Employee of the Quarter ending September 30, 2012 and was nominated by his peers.


Stephen is recognized for his exemplary contributions in performance, by constantly exceeding what is expected of him.  Stephen positively influences others to achieve and serves as a good role model for others.


This employee is noted as being an "exceptional employee and goes beyond his duties every day." Stephen is seen as dependable and always willing to work wherever he is assigned.  It was noted that Off. Carswell "takes pride in his job and is easy to get along with."


Off. Carswell' supervisors sees him as always striving to learn and very conscientious about his work performance.  In addition, Stephen is described as person "always willing to go the extra mile for his fellow employees to reduce their workload."


Off. Carswell' strong but sound work ethics highly impacts employees as well as the public. It is noted that Carswell "never complains, always has a smile, and works far beyond what is expected; you can depend on him always; he does not wait for you to ask for help, he asks if you need help; Stephen takes initiative and has a great attitude."


Peers note Carswell as an all around great guy and they are glad to have him on their shift.  It was stated that "Off. Carswell is one of the most deserving of this award since its inception.  Off. Stephen Carswell' attitude, work ethic and determination to learn different jobs in the Jail make him a valuable co-worker."


Off. Carswell has been with the Sheriff's Office for 1 year and has worked in various capacities within the Jail Operations Division of the Floyd County Sheriff's Office.


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