Monday, September 24, 2012

Sept. 25-26: Counter-Terrorism task force to stage drill at State Mutual Stadium

Media release; Residents in the Rome, Ga., area may see a large number of emergency vehicles on Sept. 25-26, but there is no need for alarm: It is only a drill. To better detect, deter and prevent acts of terrorism in Georgia, the Counter-Terrorism Task Force (CTTF) is partnering with Rome/Floyd County and will be conducting a field training exercise (FTX) at State Mutual Stadium, home of the Rome Braves, and in the surrounding area.

The FTX will simulate a terrorist attack in the Rome, Ga., area. Participants will follow intelligence and investigative "leads" to test command, control, coordination and communications. As the scenario unfolds, protective-security, detection, deterrence and counter-surveillance tactics will be exercised.

CTTF is Georgia's rapid deployment protective-security force. Its mission is to detect, prevent, protect against and respond to terrorist threats and attacks targeting the State's critical infrastructure. CTTF comprises personnel from Georgia Emergency Management Agency/Homeland Security, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Georgia National Guard and Georgia State Patrol.

GEMA's Division of Homeland Security is responsible for terrorism-related activities. Programs comprise training, critical infrastructure analysis, intelligence gathering and analysis, crisis response and homeland security grant services.

GEMA/Homeland Security is the lead state agency for coordination of emergency and disaster response activities. For more information on GEMA/Homeland Security, call (404) 635-7000 or visit For more information on specific risks in your area and how to prepare for them, contact the Floyd County Emergency Management Agency and visit

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