Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Chamber joins members in celebrating National Small Business Week, now through Friday

Media release:  Greater Rome Chamber of Commerce Small Business Action Council Chairman Elaine Abercrombie, Greene's Jewelers, celebrates National Small Business Week by encouraging the community to shop locally and highlighting the Chamber's small business support programs. This year, National Small Business Week lasts from Monday through Friday, June 21.
"National Small Business Week is a great time to celebrate our local small businesses. This week is a great reminder of the importance of our small businesses and their significant contributions to our local economy," Chairman Abercrombie adds. "The Chamber wants to encourage the community to shop locally and communicate our continued support of local small businesses through ongoing Chamber programs."
"One way that the community can celebrate National Small Business Week is to shop with local small businesses, both retail and service providers. The Chamber website,, features a Business Directory of local Chamber member businesses," Chairman Abercrombie explains. "Using the Business Directory you can search for local businesses. While you are out and about doing your shopping, simply go to from your web-enabled smartphone and click on the Business Directory. This tool will help you find local Chamber member businesses and service providers."
"The Business Directory at is mobile-friendly to encourage the public to seek out our local businesses when they are looking for retail and service providers," says Chamber Chairman of the Board of Directors Doc Kibler, State Mutual Insurance Company. "Shopping locally is the most effective way to save and create jobs. In this current economy, we should take every possible opportunity to seek products and services locally. Using the Business Directory at is a simple and easy way to support our local economy, and I thank everyone for their continued efforts to shop in Rome."
The reminder to shop locally comes as part of the Chamber's ShopRomeSM campaign. Organized by the council each year, ShopRomeSM is an ongoing effort to market Chamber member businesses in Rome, Cave Spring and Floyd County to the general public through various media outlets such as radio commercials, direct mailings, print advertisements and electronic media.
"The Chamber also offers many great programs to support our local small businesses," adds Chairman Abercrombie. "The Small Business Action Council addresses a variety of business growth topics designed to equip our small businesses to grow and succeed."
This year, the Chamber has featured guest speakers on the following topics during monthly meetings and seminars sponsored by the Small Business Action Council:
•"Leading, Motivating & Developing Your Employees"
•"Setting Goals & Increasing Sales"
•"Financial Fitness: Staying Lean & In Business"
•"Healthcare Reform Updates"
•"Business Strategy: Looking Forward"
•"Social Media for Small Business"
For the remainder of the year, the Council will cover the following topics:
•"Marketplace Fairness Act"
•"Winning More Bids"
•"Highly-Effective, Low-Cost Advertising"
•"Human Resources, Employee Handbooks & Personnel Evaluations"
•"Optimizing Your Business Online"
•"Effective Networking"
•"Market Research & Competitive Intelligence"
"Each year, the Chamber surveys our local small businesses to gain feedback on their needs and interests," Chairman Abercrombie explains. "The Small Business Action Council plans small business support programs based on these topics of interest. We strive to meet these needs with timely and relevant information for our small businesses."
The Greater Rome Chamber of Commerce encourages the community to ShopRomeSM, Cave Spring and Floyd County for products and services during National Small Business Week and welcomes small businesses to take advantage of the support programs that are offered.
More information on efforts to support our local economy can be found at Visit the Business Directory tab to find local Chamber member businesses. Visit the Chamber Calendar and Small Business tab to find information on upcoming small business seminars.

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