Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Georgia Highlands adds shared sick leave policy

When Media release: Georgia Highlands College employees encounter serious medical issues but either haven't built up enough leave time or have used their accumulated hours previously, they can be left with enormous anxiety and uncertainty at a time when they need to focus solely on their treatment and recuperation.  In past years when such a situation arose, faculty and staff came together to contribute food and money to cover rent, medical and other critical expenses.  But even those generous efforts sometimes weren't enough.  The implementation of a new policy that allows faculty and staff to contribute hours that can be used by employees and their immediate families who need it will alleviate some of the hardship associated with the many anxieties of a serious illness or injury.


Employees may contribute a minimum of eight hours of sick leave or vacation time, which is pooled with other employee contributions and used for a life-threatening or emergency medical condition or injury.  All employees who contribute to the pool during open enrollment each year may request its use for themselves or immediate family members if they have used all their sick leave.   Open enrollment just closed at GHC, and 53 people contributed 768 hours, amounting to nearly 20 weeks' time.


Renva Watterson, interim president, said that the amount of time donated exceeded expectations.  "Georgia Highlands employees have always shown extraordinary compassion toward their coworkers, students and the communities in which they live, so I'm not really surprised that they have shown this kind of generosity," she said.  "This is another stride toward being the family-friendly work environment in which we can learn and thrive."

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