Thursday, July 12, 2012

T-SPLOST backed by Greater Rome Board of Realtors

The following is a note to area residents signed by Jason Free, president of the Greater Rome Board of Realtors, announcing the board's support of the July 31 transportation proposal. 

Dear Citizens of Rome and Floyd County,


Over the next couple of weeks, you will hear a lot from people who are either for or against the Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, commonly referred to as T-SPLOST. This tax will cost us an additional penny on every dollar that we spend in our community. I realize that this proposal comes at a time when many of our friends and family are out of work, under employed, or flat out struggling to make ends meet. Your local REALTORS® have certainly felt the squeeze of this economic cycle just like everyone else. Therefore, the Greater Rome Board of REALTORS® feels that it is important to weigh in on this issue.


As REALTORS® we consider ourselves the voice of property owners and take issues such as this very seriously. Adding a tax in a recovering market is not always a wise choice. However, we believe this tax will be very beneficial to our community. The road projects funded by this tax will create over 40,000 jobs in the Northwest Georgia area alone. Projects that have been listed for our area include the widening of Hwy. 101 (Rockmart Hwy) which is one of the most dangerous roads in Floyd County. Highway 140 will be widened, and the Hwy. 411 to I-75 connector will be funded. These projects bring jobs, and when they are complete more businesses and industries will consider Rome a viable place to do business.


All Georgians could benefit from the TSPLOST referendum — one of the most important economic development opportunities in our state's history. If passed in all regions, it would pump up to $19 billion in direct investment into the state's economy over the next 10 years while connecting communities, reducing congestion and improving road safety. In addition, the Federal Highway Administration estimates that every $1 billion spent on roads and bridges supports 28,000 jobs and generates up to $2.5 billion in direct and indirect economic activity.


All funds generated through the 2012 TSPLOST would stay in the region in which they were raised and be distributed in two ways:

    •       75 percent would go to the regional projects on the approved list — many of which have been on the drawing boards for years but lacked the funding to go forward.

    •       25 percent would be returned to the region to be used for local projects chosen by city and county officials. Cities and counties will receive these extra funds in direct proportion to their population and the number of road miles in their jurisdiction.


The Greater Rome Board of REALTORS® stands in favor of the TSPLOST and encourages everyone to make an informed decision and VOTE on July 31st. To find out the facts and fiction about the TSPLOST, please visit




Jason Free

2012 President

Greater Rome Board of REALTORS®

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